Full Details - PolyPave - Recycled Plastic That Works in Asphalt
Date Monday 24 February 2025
Title PolyPave - Recycled Plastic That Works in Asphalt
Speaker Mark Hewstone (SIMA Environmental)
Venue The Square Pig
Location 30-32 Procter Street, Holborn, London, WC1V 6NX
Map Map (opens in new window)
Time 18:30 (Food at 19:30)
Contact Mr Chris Marchesi (chris@marchesipavements.com or 07887833802)
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More details Mark will provide a new approach for recycled plastic
from the perspective of asphalt professionals with an
emphasis on asphalt quality, positive environmental
impact and commercial benefits. This presentation
looks at the history of recycled plastic in asphalt and
how PolyPave corrects some of the mistakes made in
the past.