Employee Engagement, Recycled Asphalt Inclusion

Event detail

Professional Development (CPD)
11 March, 2024, AGM 18:00, Presentation 18:30, Food at 19:30
Employee Engagement, Recycled Asphalt Inclusion
South East Branch
Josh Herridge
Aggregate Industries
The Square Pig,
30-32 Procter Street, Holborn, London,
Crawley Asphalt had notoriously fallen below the
expected standard with regards to the level of RA input
as part of the mixing production process. This project
has been completed to investigate the correlation
between the levels of employee engagement and RA
input. The project applies three key engagement
techniques to the employees at Crawley Asphalt.
Physical, emotional, and cognitive as identified during a
literature review. The literature review process has
been supported by previous articles, studies, and
internal documents to develop knowledge and structure
around the subject. The project has included graphs,
tables, and figures as well as a comprehensive
appendix to assist the reader in understanding the
steps taken during the project. Significant correlations
were identified between the level of RA input and
employee receptiveness to the applied techniques. RA
input levels as well as employee performance was
found to show significant upturns over the duration of
the project.

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