President's Blog
An update looking the at switch to our new website
Welcome to the new IAT website. This new format has been designed to improve the way we communicate with our Members and keep them updated on matters which they may be interested in. I will not go through the many benefits this format has compared with the old website, except to point out the enhanced search facility. Please take the time to work around the website to familiarise yourself with the content. This is Phase 1 of the programme and work has already commenced on Phase 2 which will introduce additional features and enhance the functionality of the system. A survey will be sent out to members at the end of January requesting feedback on the website and any ideas for future developments. I would ask you all too please take 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey which will help us to continuously improve the Website and improve the user experience.
I would like to take this opportunity thank all those involved at both Branch and Council level who have worked so hard to bring this together. In particular Mike Gibb; Chair of Publications Committee, Lyle Andrew; Executive Director and last but not least Russell Hunter; Business Manager.
Continuous Professional Development
The IAT promotes the drive for its members to build up their core knowledge and understanding through several formal academic courses, such as those delivered on our behalf by the University of Derby. Arguably though the cornerstone of the learning provision of the Institute is Continuous Professional Development. I just want to take some time in my first Blog on the Website to remind you of the ways in which you can attain CPD certification through the IAT.
The last few years due to the dreadful Covid-19 pandemic, despite the hard work of all the Branch Committees, it has been difficult to maintain Branch activity for the members. It is good to see that many Branches have now held “Face to Face” meetings in the form of Professional Development evenings and social events. The Institute is a learned society, in that our purpose is to promote an academic discipline and professionalism within the Asphalt Industry. These Professional Development evenings and training days arranged and managed, usually in their own time, by the Branch Committees, are designed to widen the understanding of its members in relevant topics within the industry. These events are important not only to keep you up to date with current thinking and practice but also helps to raise standards within the Asphalt Industry, in general.
At a national level we have hosting a series of 1 hour long “lunch and learn” webinars. These webinars are free for members and have proved extremely popular over the past 2 years. There is always a Question and Answer (Q & A) opportunity at the end of the webinar. These Q & A sessions are always popular and engaging, as they offer the attendees the chance to ask delve more into subject on specific issues from which they gain valuable knowledge and information from experienced professionals. With the use of technology we are now able to automatically record who has attended the on line events and therefore provide you with evidence of your CPD certification.
Details of all the above events can be found on the Website in the “Events” section. Please take the time to look at the forthcoming events and where possible try to make time in your busy schedule to take advantage of these learning opportunities.