East/West Midlands Dinner Dance 2024

Attended by Gearoid Lohan, IAT President, on 23/11/2024

EW Dinner

IAT President, Gearóid Lohan was delighted to have attended and addressed the Institute of Asphalt Technology joint East and West Midlands Branches Dinner Dance on Saturday night, 23rd of November, at the Belfry Hotel and Resort, Sutton Coldfield.

A very well attended event with 200 people in attendance from a wide skills set, including contracting, commercial and technical. A broad company profile was represented, including large quarrying companies, industrial mineral suppliers, mineral consultants, planing. plant manufacturing, plant hire companies and specialist sub-contractors. Thanks to all the Table hosts and their companies for supporting the Dinner Dance.

Gearoid said, "It gave me an opportunity to re-enforce the relevance of the Institute of Asphalt Technology (IAT) to our Industry, with a membership of 1100 skilled and knowledgeable members, and an organisation that is a leader in Training, Professional Development and Education in our field. Check out our Library of Technical Information and get a flavour for broad technical information that is available for our members."

Congratulations to John Halfpenny, Helen Bailey, Arthur Hannah and Colin Redmond for all their work in organising this special event for the East and West Midlands IAT Branches.

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