SCI: Water Damage in Asphalt Roads
Tuesday 22 October

Industry Events Event Details

Date Tuesday 22 October
Title SCI: Water Damage in Asphalt Roads
Venue SCI
Location 14/15 Belgrave Square
Postcode SW1X 8PS
Map Map (opens in new window)
Time 09:30-16:15
More details It is virtually impossible to keep a road pavement from coming in contact with water, entering in various ways, e.g. flowing from rainfall or from groundwater absorbed into the structure by capillary action. In conjunction with traffic loading, water is often a contributing factor in pavement distress such as cracking, rutting and ravelling. Therefore, road design should take account of how to minimize its damaging effects on the pavement structure.

This symposium will consider how an asphalt pavement is damaged and eroded by water action and examine possible ways of preventing it, with a focus on binder-to-aggregate adhesion, including the effect of anti-stripping additives.